Artificial intelligence has become vastly more sophisticated in a short time, with machines now able to learn, not just follow programmed instructions, and to respond to human language and movement. 人工智能在很短时间内变得复杂得多,机器现在能够学习新知识,而不只是完成程序中的指令,还能对人类的语言和动作做出反应。
Language study is the cognitive process, and blended space theory can give special explanatory power to the cognitive process of human language study. 合成空间理论对人类语言学习的认知过程有独特的阐释力。
We are still learning about the brain mechanisms for human language, considered the most complex of human cognitive functions. 我们仍然在学习语言(它被认为是人类最复杂的认知功能)产生的大脑机制。
For Darwin, articulation, association of ideas, and the ability to connect definite ideas with definite sounds, were not unique characteristics of human language. 对达尔文来说,发声,概念的联想,以及连结特定概念和特定声音的能力并不是人类语言独有的特徵。
You should be familiar with human language constructs: nouns, verbs, articles, etc., different types of each, and be able to identify variations of their contexts in English. 你应该熟悉人类语言构造:名词,动词,冠词等等,每种词的不同类型,并且能够识别这些词在不同的英语语境中的意思。
If I do not understand human language, how to do? 如果我不懂人类语言,该怎么办呢?
This course is a graduate level introduction to natural language processing, the primary concern of which is the study of human language from a computational perspective. 本课程是研究所的自然语言处理入门课程,主要课程重点是从电脑的观点研究人类语言。
The primary human language or languages used within this learning object to communicate to the intended user. 主要的人类语言,或者该学习对象中与预期用户交流所用的语言。
In human language, the color words are frequently used, and endowed with plentiful emotion and cultural connotation. 在人类语言里颜色词经常用到,并且被赋予不同的情感和文化象征。
A controversial research project is trying to trace all human language to a common root. 一个有争议的研究项目,正设法追查所有人类的语言有共同的根。
Therefore, animal words come to human language and play a very important role in human communication. 人类的语言中必然存在着大量的反映动物名称的词汇。
Linguistics is a branch of study on human language. 语言学是人类语言中的一个分枝。
One of the improvements that occurred during the ice ages was the capacity for human language. 人类语言能力的进步,也是在冰期发生的演变之一。
What are the design features of human language? 人类语言的甄别性特征是什么?
Gets the human language associated with the exception. 获取与该异常关联的人类语言。
One function of human language, which refers to the social interaction of language. 人类语言的功能之一,指语言的社会交互性。
He was born an elf, he understood human language after hearing it for4 years, and he had human's thought and wisdom, although he could not speak. 他天生就是个精灵,他听了4年人类的语言,现在他可以听懂人们说话,尽管他不能说人话,但他拥有人类的思维与智慧。
The terminology work dealt with in this standard is concerned with terminology used for unambiguous communication in natural, human language. 本标准所涉及的术语工作将关注于正常的明确的使用人类语言的沟通过程。
It takes upon itself the job of exploring the biological basis of human language, critical periods for child language acquisition, and the relationship between the language and thought. 它探究人类语言的生物基础,儿童学习母语的关键期和过程,语言和思维的关系。
Polysemy is a pervasive phenomenon in human language. 一词多义是人类语言中存在的普遍现象。
Non-standard varieties of human language are just as entertaining. 人类的各种各样非标准的语言一样有趣。
Are you speaking human language? 你是在说人类的语言吗?
High-level languages are relatively sophisticated sets of statements utilizing words and syntax from human language. 高级语言是利用人类语言中的词和句法的一套相对复杂的语句。
Your breeze is laden with love-legends that have faded from all human language. 你的轻风里满载着已从人类语言中消失的古老的爱的传奇。
As for the two development routes applying in human Abstract thought and image thought, human language also forms two languages: proposition language and image language. 对应于人类抽象思维和形象思维两条发展路线,人类语言也形成了两大语类:命题语言和形象语言。
It is also worth remembering that gesture is still a crucial part of human language, even for those with normal hearing. 我们应该记得手势仍然是人类语言中一个至关重要的组成部分,即使是对那些没有正常听力的人来说。
This kind of distribution is extremely unusual in a human language. 这种分布在人类语言中极为罕见。
Such an atavism is the consequence of the principles of economy in human thinking and sociocultural psychology as well as the internal selective mechanism of human language. 这种返祖现象的语言学成因,除语言内部选择机制的作用外,还有思维经济原则和社会文化心理的作用。
Getting computes to understand human language is not a trivial problem. 使计算机懂得人类语言不是一个简单的问题。
Metaphor plays an important part in human language activities as a common cognitive phenomenon. 隐喻是人类认知的重要手段,在语言活动中处于重要地位。